Wednesday, December 12, 2012


I'm interested in art because art has always been like a friend. It keeps me company, comfort, and inspired. Ever since I was a young, art has been in my life from elementary to now. When I first started to learn art, I didn't really know much about it. My family really wasn't into art but when they realize that I was very talented in art they grew in interest, too. I really don’t have an admired artist but the person that inspires me to do art is my mother. My mother loves when I’m working on something new, she loves seeing the end results. Comparing my artwork from the last couple years, I can see that I've really improved my painting skills and my drawing skills.

For my future pieces, I see me working on similar pieces to what I'm doing now but with more detail and feel to it. I would love to make my painting a lot bigger so it can feel like you’re in the painting, like you're walking into a completely different environment. Also would love to work on a piece that shows what I see in my head It’s hard to explain what I see and feel but people would see what I think about every time if I were to paint it on a canvas.

There are a lot of people who ask me if I going to sell my paintings but I always give them the same answer, which is: “no”. Personally I’m not ready to give anything away because I feel so attached to my artwork. Giving it away is too much for me to handle. But I really do see myself working as an art teacher in the future.

My current theme is painting sci fi-forest. What got me working on this theme was a dream I had one night and in my dream I was somewhere unknown. so that same day, I decided to make a painting something similar to my dream. Now my whole concentration is base on sci-fi forests. In my last two paintings, I really see a pattern going on, which is: the colors, shapes and objects in the painting. My favorite thing I’ve done in the artwork is looking into the forest.

Right now my current theme means so much to me because I love it when people look at it and say that it’s so cool, it looks so trippy, and other amazing comments. This is because people get to see what goes in my head and see what amazing colors I see. I know there are a few of people that don’t understand my painting. but I just usually just say oh it’s a sci-fi forest. because I feel that if I tell them that I really had a dream about it they will look at me like that’s weird. This is true, but I don't like telling anyone.

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